
Recommending the YouTube video “Vandana Shiva On the Real Cause of World Hunger”

In YouTube video “Vandana Shiva On the Real Cause of World Hunger”, India's modern sage, a very wise woman, Dr. Vandana Shiva says that, The rich and powerful countries who led the poor countries towards monoculture and chemical agriculture have deceived us. Today's agriculture is not actually to increase food production but to take control of our food. They have used food and agriculture as a weapon of war and control and to enrich themselves at the expense of the many poor nations all over the world. President Duterte and the people of the Philippines et al must wake up to this truth so that we can choose the direction towards permaculture, organic system, and Ecosystem-based farming which is 7 to 10 times more productive, as much as 34 times more nutritious, 10 times less costly, can function far better than SSS and medicare/ Philhealth, and in the case of Ranchard (Ranch + Orchard) system, is the only kind of livelihood/ business that continues and even increases to &qu